When a bug is ‘beating you
What existed before: multiple script tags, simple concatenation, require js, browserify Different module systems: amd, est What problem webpack solves: module bundling How it got popular: What competition exists
How you configure a project All parts of a webpack config How es modules supports more features than commonJS
difference line between a junior frontend dev position and a normal/ senior position
Don’t prematurely optimize
Daily tasks you do and your workflow
a demo video about using Chakra UI in a Next.js app
Basically my useReducer video with TypeScript
A video about the hardest parts of React
So we started looking at what we could do to address these issues to build better tooling for JavaScript. That was really the genesis of TypeScript. The key was to add a type system to the language in a way that doesn't take away all the things that made JavaScript so popular in the first place."
How to use Apollo cache to replace redux
How Houdini works
Show people how: jQuery, Backbone, and Angular 1 worked
A tutorial explaining the differences between Preact and React, and maybe also show how to make an application with Preact using Deno instead of Node
Trailer for the channel
My name is Harry Wolff
I have over 10 years experience as a software engineer
I’m primarily a UI engineer
I’ve used almost all of the major UI frameworks in the past 10 years: jQuery, Backbone, Angular.js, React, and React Native
I’m here to teach you these skills
And to entertain you.
ReScript 9 was just recently released:
So..the question is...what is it?
How does it replace JavaScript?
How does it make React better?
I am planning on developing a front end to OpenAI's GPT-3. Plan on using similar stack you are using. Definitely planning on using Nextjs/Reactjs and tailwind. The app at first take will allow users to ask historical figures, such a Gandhi, Ben Franklin, Einstein and other men of peace to offer up their pros for not going to war over scarce resources, oil, precious gems, metals etc. Would be cool to generate AI image talking while answering question to go to war or not go to war over oil? It would be cool to see you build your stack to GPT-3 and integrate it with a smart answer bot. I am sure there will be a number of challenges to implement this idea along the way. I believe this will template off an existing project on github. Not unique but it will be a good skill set to have moving forward.
Also perhaps we can save the answers to user questions to a mongDb database for tracking user conversations with bot. I am also thinking teachers could use the app to educate younger generation to stay on the course of Peace.
How to create a reliable AWS pipeline for React, NodeJS and (MySQL or Mongodb ) app.
Compare to node’s api
One for apps. One for libraries.
What frameworks I’ve used in my career
slackapi/bolt-js: A framework to build Slack apps using JavaScript
What is it and how to get started - with quick look at React ecosystem libraries.
What is the difference?
How to use js doc with typescript
Ask peter for access
How to work with asynchronous 3rd arty library. Maybe a map library that isn't react supposed yet?
Perhaps a asynchronous module of and SDK that is being used in a React Native application?
For these cases, React-Query ? Would you use Redux middleware?
How you would do user authorization or permission managment in a web application with for example Casl
The data structure needed to make it The UI to create it
A complete MERN-stack project word be great :-)
High level video about how recoil is only for certain types of apps